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[UX] Mobile

[HIG 4iphone] 7. Creating Custom Icons and Images

Creating Custom Icons and Images

- Application Icons (57x57)
   Do not have any shine or gloss

사용자 삽입 이미지

- Setting Icons (29x29)

You should create a streamlined, attracitve icon that:
  • Use the PNG format.
  • Measuring about 29x29 pixel
The name and location of the icon differ, depending on whether you provide custom settings or iPhone Os provides settings for you. If you include a custom settings bundle in your application bundle, you should:
  • Name the setting icon Icon. ong.
  • Place it  in your settings bundle.

If you do not define custom settings, but iPhone Os provides settings for your application, you should:
  • Name the settings icon Icon-Settings.png.
  • Place it in your application bundle.

- Launch Images (320x480)

사용자 삽입 이미지

- Icons for Navigation Bars, Toolbars, and Tab Bars
  (PNG, white with appropriate alpha, no shadow, anti-aliasing
  Toolbar Icon: 20x20, Tab bar Icon: 30x30, not need a full color icon)

사용자 삽입 이미지