Application Controls
- Activity Indicators
- Date and Time Pickers
- Detail Disclosure Buttons
- Info Buttons
- Labels
- Page Indicators
- Pickers
- Progress Views
- Rounded Rectangle Buttons
- Search Bars
- Segmented Controls (44x44)
- Sliders
- Text Field
참조 URL: http://www.designliteracy.com/wp/?p=75
G/L 참조: http://innoiz.com/download/iPhoneHIG.pdf

- Activity Indicators
- Date and Time Pickers
- Detail Disclosure Buttons
- Info Buttons
- Labels
- Page Indicators
- Pickers
- Progress Views
- Rounded Rectangle Buttons
- Search Bars
- Segmented Controls (44x44)
- Sliders
- Text Field
참조 URL: http://www.designliteracy.com/wp/?p=75
G/L 참조: http://innoiz.com/download/iPhoneHIG.pdf